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Library Media Center

Library Media Specialist

Technology Facilitator
Mrs. Lisa Haldeman 

Library Media Mission

William B. Wade's Library Media Program is to empower students, staff, and parents to be life-long learners, informed decision-makers, users of information technologies, enthusiastic readers and to enhance the independent learning styles of lifelong learners!


Book check out will begin at the end of September for students.  They must also have turned in their signed permission slip before checking out.  

Check-out Guidelines

  • Children are to get one book every week they attend the library as long as their book has been returned. 
  • Library books are due the day before their schedule library day.  Example: Monday's classes are due on Friday, Tuesday's classes are due on Monday.  
  • Students MUST return their books in order to get new books.
  • Novels and Chapter books can be renewed ONCE!
  • Exceptions will be made for EXTREMELY long books and for book reports with prior notification. We do not renew picture books, drawing books, comic novels such as (Captain Underpants, etc.), I Spy or Pokemon.

When a child’s book is overdue a paper notice will be issued and attached to their student’s agenda or placed in their homework folder during their library time. This notice will request a parent signature and will need to be returned within 7 days from issue date with the book or cash payment. In addition, a copy will be e-mailed from the library monthly to notify parents of any overdue books as a courtesy. If any paid book is found during the current school year please return it and a refund will be issued from our financial secretary in the office. If a book is damaged while in a student possession a fine notice will come home requesting the replacement cost of our library bound book. Children will not be permitted to get a new book from the library until their lost or damaged book is found or paid for. We thank you in advance for your cooperation with this matter!